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Marijuana Licensing

The City of Leadville is authorized under Title 31 of the Colorado Revised Statutes to adopt and amend ordinances in furtherance of governmental administrations and the City’s police powers.  The Colorado Constitution specifically authorizes the City to prohibit or regulate retail marijuana businesses and to adopt regulations consistent with the intent of state law. Pursuant to Ordinance 15, Series of 2013, City Council adopted a comprehensive licensing and regulatory program concerning retail marijuana stores, retail marijuana cultivation facilities, retail marijuana product manufacturing facilities, and retail marijuana testing facilities (collectively, “retail marijuana establishments”). The City of Leadville's Municipal code addresses the marijuana license in Chapters 5.40, 5.44, and 5.48.  Contact the Deputy City Clerk to find out about available licenses, codes, and local regulations. 

Deputy City Clerk

Phone: 719-486-0349

Email: cityclerk@leadville-co.gov

City of Leadville Marijuana Licensing Regulations

Marijuana Licensing Fees

Marijuana Excise Tax Return for Retail Cultivation Licensees

Process for paying the City of Leadville Retail Cultivation Marijuana Excise Tax starting Jan1, 2018