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Deputy City Clerk

Deputy City Clerk

Phone: 719-427-7085

Fax:  719-486-5813

Email: cityclerk@leadville-co.gov


The Deputy City Clerk's duties: Serves the public right to know regarding meetings, public records, city actions, and finances. Coordinates and follows through on all requests from citizens for information and assistance. Attends city council meetings and makes and maintains historical records for future reference. Provides visitor information regarding city, community, business history, attractions, activities, meetings, etc. Administers records management and retention of city laws, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, and all city records except criminal justice records. Prepares city council agendas and briefing books and advises the council on issues or policies to be addressed. Provides financial, census, planning, legal, regulatory, historical, legislative, and other information, research, and references for the mayor, city council, city boards, commissions, and staff. 

Administers liquor licenses, special event permits, business licenses, parking permits, and short-term rental licenses. Advises the mayor and city council on parliamentary procedure and conduct of meetings. Schedules meetings and notifies council members and the public of meetings. Countersigns and attests to all official documents administers oaths and affixes the city seal. Researches and prepares resolutions and ordinances for the city council. Develops computer and other tools to manage departmental information, statistics, and reporting. Files required city documents with county and state governments. 

Assists local businesses and individuals in dealing with county and state government. Is the city election official and coordinates elections with the county. Administers oaths and notarizes official documents. Maintains city property records, deeds, registrations, and inventories. Maintains confidential sales tax information and reviews state and county sales tax reports. Provides oversight and information regarding city budgets, revenues, expenditures, and co-signs checks. Assists the city treasurer, planning & zoning, building, and city administration in their duties.

CORA - Record Requests Form


Hannah Scheer

Email: electedcityclerk@leadville-co.gov 

The City of Leadville has an elected or appointed City Clerk. The City Clerk makes sure the City of Leadville adheres to all statutory regulations and keeps required documents. Hannah Scheer was sworn in as appointed City Clerk on January 9, 2024. The City Clerk can be reached at the above email address.