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Organizational Philosophy

LLCFR's organizational philosophy is built upon the following principles:

First In, Last Out

“First-in-Last-out.” This is the core ideology of LLCFR. In this simple statement lives the standard of excellence to which we measure ourselves, the finest traditions of the fire service to which we commit ourselves and the altitude to which we daily aspire. We are the community’s all-risk response agency, to which people turn in time of need. We therefore pride ourselves on being the first-in—never shirking our responsibility to protect the public whom we serve, or serving the public whom we protect—and last out—never leaving until the job is finished. This is the ideology of the entire organization, from management to line firefighter, which drives our daily efforts, whether conducting vehicle checks, helping with a community event, fighting fire or rescuing people from danger. 

It is the faith we instill in those who call 911


"Reducing community risk through excellence in emergency service.”


We will be appropriately equipped, excellently trained and eminently capable of meeting the community’s need for fire protection and emergency services.

We will be a national example of a fire-rescue organization dedicated to providing excellent customer service.

We will provide effective staffing patterns throughout our service area by creating a fire-rescue department that draws and retains high-caliber, strongly motivated members. We will be the kind of fire department to which people far and wide want to belong.

We will be an aggressive fire department; renown for our assertive and effectual response, uncompromising in our commitment to responder safety, and unquestionably dedicated to our reason for existing.

We will be known as a smart fire department; one that studies, examines and learns and does not fear evolving. People will come from miles around to train with us.

Leadville Lake County Fire Rescue will be the model that other fire departments copy.