Old Website Notice: Information here may be outdated. Visit our new site for the latest updates! While we're still fine-tuning some features, we appreciate your patience and feedback. Please go to, https://www.leadville-co.gov/ or click HERE to access. 


Doing Business

city of leadville logo

Pursuant to the City of Leadville Municipal Code 5.04.020 “Every person, firm, partnership, corporation or other business entity must obtain a business license from the city before operating, conducting or carrying on any for-profit retail trade, profession or business within the city.”  

The City of Leadville does not have a sales tax. Business owners must pay State sales tax and the Lake County sales tax for a combined amount of 6.9%. All business being conducted within Leadville's city limits requires a business license. The business license fee is $50.00 per calendar year and is not pro-rated.

New Business License Applications are ready with instructions.

If you are thinking about starting a business in Leadville you might want to reach out to the Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation. The Lake County Economic Development Corporation is the leading catalyst for business success by helping to retain and expand the economic base in Leadville and Lake County. The LLCEDC has also created a guide to starting a business in Leadville and Lake County:

Starting a Business in Leadville Lake County-.pdf

Business and Tax License Application

Business and Tax License Application Instructions



Marijuana Excise Tax Return for Retail Cultivation Licensees, Pursuant to Leadville Municipal Code 3.32.040 through 3.32.060

Process for paying the City of Leadville Retail Cultivation Marijuana Excise Tax starting Jan1, 2018