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Mayor's Office

mayor Greg Labbe portrait

Greg Labbe, Mayor of Leadville

Phone: 719-486-2571

Fax: 719-486-5813

Cell: 719-207-2072

Email: lvmayor@leadville-co.gov

Hours: Please call for an appointment or stop by the mayor's office now on the first floor of City Hall just off of City Council chambers. 

When first I became Mayor of Leadville, my expectation was that I would like taking on the responsibility.  As it turns out, I love being Mayor and enjoy representing our City and its people.  The job has been more demanding than I expected, but that is a big part of what I am enjoying.  It took a little while to fully appreciate the symbolic nature of being Mayor, but I have come to terms with that as well.  I try to be as present as possible in the many events and gatherings that make our City special.  It still makes me smile when referred to as “Your Honor.”

As the Mayor of Leadville, one of our nation’s most historic cities and a National Historic Landmark District, it is critical that we honor and protect our heritage.  That is no easy task.  After 139 years, many of our historic buildings and homes are in need of restoration.  It is my goal to work towards that revitalization and restoration of our historic city while encouraging thoughtful growth so that our many young families may prosper and raise their families with pride in this special place.

As the manager of our city, my first and most important rule is that we, as city employees, always treat all our citizens with kindness and respect.  Everything after that should naturally result in a government that cares for and responds well to its people.

The engine of any economy is the health and prosperity of our businesses.  With that in mind, it should be a priority for City Government to do everything in its power to partner with our local businesses and be an enabler for their success.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be your Mayor.  I intend to work hard throughout my term to earn your respect.
