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City of Leadville Zoning Map

In order to carry out the purpose and intent of the zoning chapter to implement the goals, objectives and policies of the city, as contained in this title and the Leadville Comprehensive Plan, as amended, the incorporated area of the city is divided into the following zoning districts and the city of Leadville Zoning District Map has been adopted. 

The City of Leadville Zoning Map specifies what zoning district a property is located in. 

City of Leadville Zoning Map

City of Leadville Table of Uses: Use By-Right, Allowed, Prohibited, and Conditional Uses 

Zoning District Requirements:

City of Leadville (C) Commercial Zone District

City of Leadville (TC) Transitional Commercial Zone District

City of Leadville (TR) Transitional Residential Zone District

City of Leadville (RC) Retail Core Zone District

City of Leadville (R2) Traditional Residential Zone District

City of Leadville (R1) Conventional Residential Zone District