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City Council

city of leadville logo

The City of Leadville is a statutory city. The corporate authority of the city is vested in the mayor and city council, together with such other officers as are provided for in Chapter 2.04 of the Leadville Municipal Code.

The city council consists of the Mayor and six council members elected from the three wards of the city. Its powers include the management and control of the finances and all the property real and personal, belonging to the city. For more information about the city council's duties and responsibilities, see Chapter 2.04 of the Leadville Municipal Code.

You can sign up for email alerts by requesting to be on the list at cityclerk@leadville-co.gov.

City Council Members

CM Josef Edwards  - ward1b@leadville-co.gov 

CM Tim Hill - ward2a@leadville-co.gov 

CM Christian Luna-Leal - ward1a@leadville-co.gov 

CM Tim Best - ward2b@leadville-co.gov 

CM Rebecca Thomas - ward3b@leadville-co.gov 

CM Francisco Tharp - ward3a@leadville-co.gov 

Mayor Dana Greene - lvmayor@leadville-co.gov 

City Council Meetings


The City of Leadville Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6 pm. 



Meeting ID: 835 2694 4548

Passcode: 80461

Dial by your location

        +1 719 359 4580 US