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2024 City Council Resolutions

Resolution No. 1, Series of 2024 - Ward 2b Vacancy by Appointment - Did NOT Pass

Resolution No. 2, Series of 2024 - Appointment of City Treasurer

Resolution No. 3, Series of 2024 - Appointment of City Clerk

Resolution No. 4, Series of 2024 - Appointment of Municipal Judge and City Attorney

Resolution No. 5, Series of 2024 - Public Notice Posting Location

Resolution No. 6, Series of 2024 - Ward 2b Vacancy by Appointment

Resolution No. 7, Series of 2024 - Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem

Resolution No. 8, Series of 2024 - Authorized Signatories on City's Bank Accounts

Resolution No. 9, Series of 2024 - Colorado Government Local Asset Trust

Resolution No. 10, Series of 2024 - Purchase of Type VI Engine

Resolution No. 11, Series of 2024 - Employee Retention Bonus

Resolution No. 12, Series of 2024 - Approved City Holidays

Resolution No. 13, Series of 2024 - Appointment for Board of Adjustment

Resolution No. 14, Series of 2024 - Supplemental Budget

Resolution No. 15, Series of 2024 - Tabor Opera House Agreement for Professional Services with Hoehn Architects, P.C.

Resolution No. 16, Series of 2024 - Tabor Opera House Payment Management Agreement for Phase 3 of the Rehabilitation Project

Resolution No. 17, Series of 2024 - Financial Contribution to Leadville Ski Jorking

Resolution No. 18, Series of 2024 - Adopting Fee Schedule for the City of Leadville

Resolution No. 19, Series of 2024 - Appointing a Planning and Zoning Commission Member and Two Alternate Planning and Zoning Commission Members

Resolution No. 20, Series of 2024 - Accepting the Grant of an Easement from the State Historical Society and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Easement Agreement

Resolution No. 21, Series of 2024 - Establishing a Task Force on Sales Tax and Appointing Members to this Task Force

Resolution No. 22, Series of 2024 - Maintenance Agreement with the State of Colorado through the Department of Transportation for Maintenance Services on  State Highway 24 and Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign the Agreement

Resolution No. 23, Series of 2024 - Approving a Letter of Agreement with KRW Associates and Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign the Agreement

Resolution No. 24, Series of 2024 - Equipment Purchase Agreement in the Principal Amount of $138,152.00 between the City of Leadville and NBH Bank, Providing Lease Payments from Legally Available Funds, and Prescribing Other Required Details

2023 City Council Resolutions

Resolution No. 1, Series of 2023 Public Notice

Resolution No. 2, Series of 2023 Supplemental Budget

Resolution No. 3, Series of 2023 Fee Schedule

Resolution No. 4, Series of 2023 Victim Services Unit Memorandum of Understanding

Resolution No. 5, Series of 2023 Meeting Stipend

Resolution No. 6, Series of 2023 Updated Fee Schedule

Resolution No. 7, Series of 2023 Phase 3 of the Tabor Opera House Rehabilitation of Exterior Envelope Project

Resolution No. 8, Series of 2023 Law Enforcement Mutual Aid

Resolution No. 9, Series of 2023 e911 Emergency Telephone Service Authority

Resolution No. 10, Series of 2023 Ward 3 Vacancy and Appointment

Resolution No. 11, Series of 2023 Subdivision Improvement Agreement - City of Leadville and High Country Developers, LLC Concerning Leadville Railyard, Filing 1

Resolution No. 12, Series of 2023 Opting into the Rural Jump-Start Program

Resolution No. 13, Series of 2023 Confirming Terms of Office for Leadville Urban Renewal Authority Board

Resolution No. 14, Series of 2023 Services Agreement between the City of Leadville and Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

Resolution No. 15, Series of 2023 Historic Preservation Commission Expenses related to Cultural Resource Survey of the West End Residential Area

Resolution No. 16, Series of 2023 Purchase of Real Property Known as 117 W. 10th Street

Resolution No. 17, Series of 2023 Coordinated Election Intergovernmental Agreement 

Resolution No. 18, Series of 2023 Proposition 123 Intergovernmental Agreement

Resolution No. 19, Series of 2023 Appointing City Attorney and Approving Professional Services Agreement

Resolution No. 20, Series of 2023 Stories Worth Telling Film Festival Financial Contribution

Resolution No. 21, Series of 2023 Approval of RootsRx Settlement Agreement

Resolution No. 22, Series of 2023 Funding Allocations for the Local Transit Route in the 2024 Budget

Resolution No. 23, Series of 2023  DID NOT PASS  - Authorizing a Financial Contribution to the Leadville/Lake County Chamber of Commerce 

Resolution No. 24, Series of 2023 Appointing of Municipal Prosecutor and Approving Legal Services Agreement

Resolution No. 25, Series of 2023 Colorado Gives Day Contribution

Resolution No. 26, Series of 2023 Designating the City's Representative to the County Health Pool

Resolution No. 27, Series of 2023 Financial Contribution to the Stage and Rail Trail

Resolution No. 28, Series of 2023 Adopting the Emergency Operations Plan for the County of Lake, State of Colorado

Resolution No. 29, Series of 2023 A Financial Contribution to the Lake County Early Care and Education Fund

Resolution No. 30, Series of 2023 Financial Contribution to the Chaffee Housing Trust

Resolution No. 31, Series of 2023 Financial Contribution to the Cloud City Conservation Center

Resolution No. 32, Series of 2023 Financial Contribution to the Lake County Community Fund

Resolution No. 33, Series of 2023 Appointing Three New Board Members to the Leadville Housing Authority

Resolution No. 34, Series of 2023 Adopting and Entering into the Trust Agreement for the Colorado Firefighter Heard, Cancer, and Behavioral Health Benefits Trust and Taking Other Actions in Connection Therewith

Resolution No. 35, Series of 2023 City of Leadville Adopting the 2024 Annual Budget for the City and Appropriating Monies for Implementation of the Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning on the First Day of January 2024, and Ending on the Last Day of December 2024

Resolution No. 36, Series of 2023 Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy of the City of Leadville for 2023 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2024 Budget Year and Authorizing a Mill Levy to the Board of County Commissioners

2022 City Council Resolutions


Resolution 1, Series 2022 Public Notice

Resolution 2, Series 2022 Supplemental Budget

Resolution 3, Series 2022 Fee Schedule 

Resolution 4, Series 2022 Term of Office City Treasurer

Resolution 5, Series 2022 Two Interm Deputy City Clerk

Resolution 6, Series 2022 IGA with City and County and DOLA Planning Grant

Resolution 7, Series 2022 Appointing City Administrator 

Resolution 8, Series 2022 Amending City Purchase Policy

Resolution 9, Series 2022, Adopt Animal Shelter Fees 

Resolution 10, Series 2022 Designating Bank Authorizations

Resolution 11, Series 2022 Purchase of Property

Resolution 12, Series 2022 809 Spruce Street

Resolution 13, Series 2022, Planning Director

Resolution 14, Series 2022, Street Sweeper

Resolution 15, Series 2022 Reappointing Municipal Judge

Resolution 16, Series 2022 TOH Agreement for Professional Services

Resolution 17, Series 2022 TOH Payment Agreement

Resolution 18, Series 2022 Employee Retention

Resolution 19, Series 2022 TOH Construction Contract

Resolution 20, Series 2022 TOH Easement Agreement

Resolution 21, Series 2022 Directing the Lake County Treasurer to Remit Tax Increment Payments to LURA (not adopted)

Resolution 22, Series 2022 Funding Lions Club Fireworks

Resolution 23, Series 2022 May Wildfire Awareness Month

Resolution 24, Series 2022 Type 1 Fire Engine

Resolution 25, Series 2022, Amending Resolution No. 13

Resolution 26, Series 2022, Waiving the Application and Consultant Review Fees

Resolution No. 27, Series 2022, Declaring A Vacancy in Office for City Council Member

Resolution No. 28, Series 2022, Community Banks of Co-Lease of a Parking Lot

Resolution No. 29, Series 2022, Opting Out of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance ("FAMLI") Program (not adopted)

Resolution No. 30, Series of 2022, Filling a City Council Vacancy and Appointing a City Council Member to Represent Ward 2

Resolution No. 31, Series of 2022,  Authorizing a Financial Contribution for the Community Justice Center and Authorizing Negotiations for an Intergovernmental Agreement with Lake County

Resolution No. 32, Series of 2022, Approving a Services Agreement with Jim Schneiter for Street Department Management Services

Resolution No. 33, Series of 2022, Creating the Position of a Human Resources Director and Risk Manager

Resolution No. 34, Series 2022: A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Leadville and Lake County Concerning the Establishment of a Multijurisdictional Housing Authority

Resolution No. 35, Series 2022, Lease Purchase Agreement for Type 1 Fire Apparatus

Resolution No. 36, Series of 2022, Appointing Members to the Leadville Lake County Regional Housing Authority Board of Directors

Recorded Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the Leadville Lake County Regional Housing Authority (with County Resolutions 22-20 and 22-21, and City Resolutions 34 and 36)

Resolution No. 37, Series 2022: Designating the Planning Official for the City of Leadville

Resolution No. 38, Series of 2022: A Resolution Designating the Percentage of Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (“FAMLI”) Program Employee Premiums to Be Paid by the City

Resolution No. 39, Series 2022, TOH Conservation Easement Amendment

Resolution No. 40 - Series of 2022: 2023 City Budget

Resolution No. 41 - Series of 2022 - 2023 Mill Levy

2021 City Council Resolutions

Resolution 1, Series 2021 Intergovernmental Agreement with Colorado Mtn College and Leadville Lake County Fire Dept.  

Resolution 2, Series 2021 Public Notice Location

Resolution 3, Series 2021 Annual Fee Schedule 

Resolution 4, Series 2021 One-Time Waiver of City Liquor License Renewal Fees For On-Premises Liquor

Resolution 5, Series 2021 A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with RGA & Associates

Resolution 6, Series 2021 Main Street Program Contract Services Agreement

Resolution 7, Series 2021 Approving Intergovernmental Agreement with Lake County School District for Fee in Lieu

Resolution 8, Series 2021 Adopting City Of Leadville Personnel Rules and Regulations for Compliance with Equal Pay For Equal Work Act and the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act

Resolution 9, Series 2021 Designating an Interim Deputy City Clerk

Resolution 10, Series 2021 Liquor License Fee Adoption

Resolution 11, Series 2021 Sidewalk CMH Civil LLC Contract

Resolution 12, Series 2021 Councilmember Ward 2 Vacancy

Resolution 13, Series 2021 Coordinated Election

Resolution 14, Series 2021 Designating Authorized Signatories

Resolution 15, Series 2021 Contract for Professional Services 

Resolution 16, Series 2021 Ballot Issue for Accommodations Tax

Resolution 17, Series 2021 Contract for Precision Employment Consulting for HR Services

Resolution 18, Series 2021 Neighborhood Boundaries for Liquor Licenses

Resolution 19, Series 2021 Railyard Minor Subdivision

Resolution 20, Series 2021 Main Street Open for Business Grant

Resolution 21, Series 2021, Grant Funding from DOLA for City Administrator

Resolution 22, Series 2021, Grant Funding from DOLA for Phase 2 of the Tabor Opera House

Resolution 23, Series 2021, Main Street Open For Business Grant Amended

Resolution 24, Series 2021 Signatories on the Court Bank Account

Resolution 25, Series 2021 Finance Director to Prepare the Budget for 2022

Resolution 26, Series 2021, Lease Purchase Agreement for Type 3 Wildland Fire Engine 

Resolution 27, Series 2021 Supporting Lake County's Planning Grant Application with DOLA

Resolution 28, Series 2021 IGA Between the City and St. Vincent General Hospital

Resolution 29, Series 2021 Support of Ballot Issue 2A Appearing on the November 2, 2021 Ballot

Resolution 30, Series 2021 Delegating Authority to the Mayor to Execute the MOU for Colorado Opioid Settlement

Resolution 31, Series 2021 Authorizing the City to Lease-Purchase a Motor Grader

Resolution 32, Series 2021 Authorizing the City to Lease-Purchase a Street Sweeper

Resolution 33, Series 2021 Adopting COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy for LPD

Resolution 34, Series 2021 Approving the Planned 2022 Budget

Resolution 35, Series 2021 Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy - Amended

Resolution 36, Series 2021 Approving Project Quote for Tax Collection Services by GOVOS, Inc.


2020 City Council Resolutions

Resolution 1, Series 2020: Declaring Vacancies in the Office(s) for City Council Member(s) Representing Ward 2, Ward 3, and Office for a City Clerk As Of January 13, 2020, and Determining to Fill Such Vacancies by Appointment

Resolution 2, Series 2020 :Designating the Official Public Notice Location and the Official Newspaper of General Circulation for the City of Leadville, Colorado

Resolution 3, Series 2020:To Enter into a Lease Agreement with High Country Copiers and Xerox for a Workcenter(s) Xerox Altalink C8055 and Xerox Altalink C8035

Resolution 4, Series 2020:Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations Specific to Holiday and Overtime Pay for Sworn Law Enforcement Employees

Resolution 5, Series 2020: Approving the Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with RG and Associates, LLC

Resolution 6, Series 2020: Designating Authorized Signatories on the City's Bank Accounts and for the Safe Deposit Box

Resolution 7, Series 2020: Appointing an Interim Municipal Judge

Resolution 8, Series 2020: Delaying the Enforcement of the City’s Code Provisions Prohibiting the Use of Accessory 
Dwelling Units as Short-Term Rentals

Resolution 9, Series 2020: Adopting Fees for Processing Liquor License Applications, Marijuana Licensing, Administrative and Zoning Fees, Police Department Fees, Short-Term Rental Licensing, Business Licensing, Excavation Permit Fees, and Encroachment Permits

Resolution 10, Series 2020 Appointing an Interim Municipal Judge

Resolution 11, Series 2020, Ratifying a First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Koehler Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. for Construction Administration Services Concerning the Mountain View Drive Traffic Signal Project and Approving a Second Amendment

Resolution 12, Series 2020, Approving an Agreement for Professional Services with Hoehn Architects, P.C.

Resolution 13, Series 2020, Approving the Lake County & City of Leadville Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Plan

Resolution 14, Series 2020, Declaring an Emergency and Establishing Rules and Procedures for Calling and Holding Emergency Meetings of the City Council

Resolution 15, Series 2020, Extending the Emergency Declaration of the City of Leadville and Establishing Rules and Procedures for Holding Remote Public Hearings

Resolution 16, Series 2020, In Support of Local Businesses During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Resolution 17, Series 2020, Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Leadville and RG and Associates, LLC for On­Call Planning and Engineering Services

Resolution 18, Series 2020, Setting Amended Permit Application Fees for Street Excavations

Resolution 19, Series 2020, Establishing the Immediate Business Support Program, Directing the Immediate Implementation of the Program in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds for Such Program

Resolution 20, Series 2020, Extending the Emergency Declaration of the City of Leadville

Resolution 21, Series 2020, Approving a Construction Contract with Heritage Window Restoration LLC and A&M Renovations, LLC for Rehabilitation of the Exterior Envelope of the Historic Tabor Opera House

Resolution 22, Series 2020, Approving an Agreement for Professional Services with Caselle, Inc.

Resolution 23, Series 2020, Appointing a Presiding Judge and Alternate Judge for Leadville Municipal Court

Resolution 24, Series 2020,Extending and Amending the Immediate Business Support Program, Directing the Continued Implementation of the Program Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Updating the Criteria Under Which Grant Applicants May Qualify

Resolution 25, Series 2020, Authorizing the City of Leadville to Enter into a Municipal Lease-Purchase Agreement and Related Documentation with Ford Credit for the Lease and Purchase of Three 2020 Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles for Police Purposes These Three 2020 Vehicles Will Be Replacing Three 2016 Vehicles

Resolution 26, Series 2020, Approving a Revocable License Agreement for Use with Temporary Use Permit Applications Involving Public Property

Resolution 27, Series 2020, Temporarily Waiving Fees for Modification of Premises Liquor License Applications

Resolution 28, Series 2020, Adopting a Security Breach Protocol and Personal Data Protection Policy

Resolution 29, Series 2020, Adopting an Administrative Policy Concerning the Colorado Open Records Act

Resolution 31, Series 2020, Authorizing Establishment of a New Payment Process for the Tabor Opera House Rehabilitation Project

Resolution 32, Series 2020, Approving a Development and Cooperation Agreement for Rail Yard Leadville by and Among the City of Leadville, the Leadville Urban Renewal Authority, and High Country Developers LLC

Resolution 33, Series 2020, Rescinding Resolution No. 17, Series 2019, Which Rescinded Resolution 20, Series 2018, Establishing the City of Leadville as the Reviewing Entity for Purposes of C.R.S. § 39-22-514.5

Resolution 34, Series 2020, Authorizing the Use of a Pay-Pal Account for the Acceptance of Payment and Distribution of Funds for City of Leadville or Leadville Main Street Online Auction Fundraisers; the Reassignment of an Unused Checking Account at Community Banks of Colorado for the Purpose of Segregated Accounting and Enhanced Security for Online Auction Fundraisers; and Designating Administrators/Authorized Signatories of Each

Resolution 35, Series 2020, Approving and Ratifying a Lease Agreement Between the City of Leadville and Centennial Real Estate

Resolution 36, Series 2020, Authorizing the City of Leadville to Enter into a Government Obligation Contract and Related Documentation with KS State Bank for the Lease and Purchase of One New 2021 Mack Truck for Municipal Purposes

Resolution 37, Series 2020 Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy of the City of Leadville for 2020 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2021 Budget Year, and Authorizing a Mill Levy to the Board of County Commissioners

Resolution 38, Series 2020 Appointing Dawna Schneiter the Finance Director of the City of Leadville, as the Person to Prepare the Budget of the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year 2021

Resolution 39, Series 2020 Approving and Adopting the A Purchasing Policy for the City of Leadville

Resolution 40, Series 2020 Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2021, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2021.

Resolution 41, Series 2020 A Supplemental Budget for Unanticipated Revenues and Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Unanticipated Expenditures in Excess of Amounts Budgeted for the General Fund and the Fire Operations Fund 

Resolution 42, Series 2020 Approving a Master Subscription Service Agreement with MuniRevs, Inc.

Resolution 43, Series 2020, Approving a Second Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Hoehn Architects, P.C.


2019 City Council Resolutions

Resolution 1, Series 2019 Amended 2019 Budget

Resolution 2, Series 2019, Public Notice Location and Newspaper

Resolution 3, Series 2019 Designating authorized signatures on City Bank Accounts

Resolution 4, Series 2019 Amended IGA with CDOT for MT View Drive Signal Replacement Project

Resolution 5, Series 2019 Awarding BID for Mt View Signal Project

Resolution 6, Series 2019 OEM Hazard Mitigation Plan

Resolution 7, Series 2019 Appointing Deputy City Treasurer


Resolution 9, Series 2019 Finding of Blight for Adoption of URA Plan Area

Resolution 10, Series 2019 Approving Leadville Urban Renewal Plan Area

Resolution 11, Series 2019 City Council Approval and Conditional Approval of Variance Requests for the Railyard Phase 1 combined Preliminary Plan and Final Plan

Resolution 12, Series 2019 Certify 2020 Mill Levy

Resolution 13, Series 2019 Instructing the Deputy City Clerk to Cancel the November 5, 2019 Regular Municipal Election and Declare the Candidates for Municipal Offices Elected

Resolution 14, Series 2019 Setting Site Plan Application Fees

Resolution 15, Series 2019 Appointing Finance Director To Create 2020 Budget

Resolution 16, Series 2019 Approving Equipment Use Between City and CMC

Resolution 17, Series 2019 Rescinding Resolution,,20 Series 2018 CLG Tax Credit Application Review

Resolution 18, Series 2019 Adopting 2019 Supplemental Budget

Resolution 19, Series 2019 Summarizing Expenditures for 2020 Budget

Resolution 20, Series 2019 Adopting City of Leadville 2020 Budget

2018 City Council Resolutions

Resolution 1, Series 2018, Supplemental 2017 Budget for General and Fire,

Resolution 2, Series 2018, Fee Schedule

Resolution 3, Series 2018, Public Notice Location and Newspaper

Resolution 4, Series 2018, Designating authorized signatures on City Bank Accounts

Resolution 5, Series 2018, Designating Municipal Judge

Resolution 6, Series 2018, Approving City-LURA Agreement

Resolution 7, Series 2018, HB 1190 Support for Historic Tax Breaks

Resolution 8, Series 2018 Appointing City Attorney

Resolution 9, Series 2018 Approving agreement between CMC, LURA, and City of Leadville

Resolution 10, Series 2018 Approving agreement between Lake County Board of Commissioners, LURA, and City of Leadville

Resolution 11, Series 2018 Approving agreement between St. Vincent Hospital District, LURA, and City of Leadville

Resolution 12, Series 2018 Establishing a Police Advisory Council Panel

Resolution 13, Series 2018 Approving agreement between Lake County School District, LURA, and City of Leadville

Resolution 14, Series 2018 Approving Main Street Program Board of Directors and Bylaws to be Adopted by the Main Street Board

Resolution 15, Series 2018 Supplemental Budget for the fiscal year 2017

Resolution 16, Series 2018 Vacancy for Office of City Council

Resolution 17, Series 2018 Approving agreement between BOCC and City for Building Code

Resolution 18, Series 2018 Appointing Lake County Building Offical

Resolution 19, Series 2018 Gap Funding for Tabor Opera House 2018

Resolution 20, Series 2018 HPC Authorization for Tax Credits

Resolution 21, Series 2018 Cities &, Towns Week Celebration

Resolution 22, Series 2018 911 IGA

Resolution 23, Series 2018 Wayfinding &, Branding Document

Resolution 24, Series 2018 IGA for SRO

Resolution 25, Series 2018, Approving the Form of the Master Lease-Purchase Agreement No. Cit6040 with Kinetic Leasing, Inc., A North Dakota Corporation and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery Thereof

Resolution 26, Series 2018 Adopting Housing Needs Assessment

Resolution 27, Series 2018 Professional Services for Koehler Engineering &, Land Surveying, INC

Resolution 28, Series 2017 Approving the Commitment of 1% Funds to the Mountain View Extension/Rail Yard Project

Resolution No. 29, Series 2018: Supporting the Leadville/Lake County Senior Master Plan

Resolution No. 30, Series 2018: Appointing Deputy Treasurer

Resolution No. 31, Series 2018: Supporting and Affirming Leadville's Cooperation in the Implementation and Execution of the Lake County Comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan

Resolution 32, Series 2018: Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy of the City of Leadville for 2018 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2019 Budget Year, and Authorizing a Mill Levy to the Board of County Commissioners

Resolution 33, Series 2018: Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues for Each Fund of the City of Leadville, Colorado and Adopting a Budget for the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day Of January, 2019, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2019.

Resolution 34, Series 2018:  Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2019, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2019

Resolution No. 35, Series 2018: Supporting the Leadville/Lake County Public Health Improvement Plan

Resolution 36, Series 2018: A Supplemental Budget for Unanticipated Revenues and Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Unanticipated Expenditures in Excess of Amounts Budgeted for the General Fund and the Fire Operations Fund 

2017 City Council Resolutions

Resolution 1, Series 2017 Supplemental 2016 Budget for General and Fire

Resolution 2, Series 2017 Public Notice Location and Newspaper

Resolution 3, Series 2017 Railroad Property Annexation

Resolution 4, Series 2017 Authorized Signatures for City Bank Accounts

Resolution 5, Series 2017 Adopting New Licensing Fees

Resolution 6, Series 2017 Lease and Purchase for Mack Truck

Resolution 7, Series 2017 Supplemental Budget for Unanticipated Revenues and Appropriating Funds in 2016

Resolution 8, Series 2017 Creation of an Urban Renewal Authority

Resolution 9, Series 2017 CDOT IGA signature authorization for traffic light replacement project

Resolution 10, Series 2017 Minor Subdivision Plat

Resolution 11, Series 2017 Recognizing Colorado Cities & Towns Week, September 11-17, 2017 and Encouraging All Citizens to Support the Celebration and Corresponding Activities

Resolution 12, Series 2017 Leadville Urban Renewal Authority Appointments

Resolution 13, Series 2017 Open Media Foundation Agreement

Resolution 14, Series 2017 Approve RG &, Associates Planning Service

Resolution 15, Series 2017 Ballot Questions

Resolution 16, Series 2017 IGA Coordinated Election

Resolution 17, Series 2017 Water Line Extention Agreement for High County Developers

Resolution 18, Series 2017 Appointing Roy McGinnis for 2018 Budget Draft

Resolution 19, Series 2017 Approve Intermountain TPC IGA

Resolution 20, Series 2017 Approving Agreement with Leland Consulting Group, INC. for Urban Renewal Services

Resolution 21, Series 2017 Grant Matching Funds to GOCO for Zaitz Park

Resolution No. 22, Series 2017 Assigning and Accepting an Assignment of a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Leadville and the Leland Consulting Group, Inc. (Doing Business as Ricker Cunningham) for Urban Renewal Services)

Resolution No. 23, Series 2017: Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Leadville and the Leadville Urban Renewal Authority Regarding the Sharing of Resources

Resolution No. 24, Series 2017: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Leadville Declaring Vacancies in Office for City Council Members Representing Wards 2 and 3 as of January 8, 2018, Determining to Fill Such Vacancies by Appointment, and Directing Staff to Advertise the Vacancies

Resolution 25, Series 2017: Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy of the City of Leadville for 2017 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2018 Budget Year, and Authorizing and Certifying a Temporary Mill Levy Rate Reduction to the Board of County Commissioners

Resolution 26, Series Of 2017: Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues for Each Fund of the City of Leadville, Colorado and Adopting a Budget for the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2018, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2018.

Resolution 27, Series 2017: Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2018, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2018

Resolution 28, Series 2017 Commit 1% Fund

2016 City Council Resolutions

Resolution No. 1, Series 2016:  Designating the Official Public Notice Location and the Official Newspaper of General Circulation  

Resolution No. 2, Series 2016: Designating Authorized Signatories on the City's Bank Accounts and for the Safe Deposit Box

Resolution No. 3, Series 2016:  Appointing Municipal Judges for the Leadville Municipal Court.

Resolution No. 4, Series 2016: An Ordinance Repealing and Re-enacting Chapter 17.64.010 and 17.64.030 of the Municipal Code Concerning the Regulation of Temporary Use Permits and Outdoor Sale Requirements

Resolution No. 5, Series 2016:  Approving the Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the City of Leadville and Sharon Furman Bland for the Purchase by the City of Leadville of the Tabor Opera House

Resolution No. 6, Series 2016:  Appointing City Attorney of the City of Leadville.

Resolution No. 7, Series 2016:

Resolution No. 8, Series 2016: Designating Authorized Signatories on the City's Bank Accounts and for the Safe Deposit Box

Resolution No. 9, Series 2016:  Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations Adding a Whistleblower Policy

Resolution No. 10, Series 2016:  Authorizing the City of Leadville to Enter into a Municipal Lease-Purchase Agreement and Related Documentation with Ford Credit for the Lease and Purchase of Three 2016 Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles for Police Purposes

Resolution No. 11, Series 2016: Consenting to the Application and Enforcement of the Lake County Fire Ban within the Corporate Limits of the City of Leadville

Resolution No. 12, Series 2016:  Recognizing Colorado Cities & towns Week, September 14-20, 2016 and Encouraging All Citizens to Support the Celebration and Corresponding Activities 

Resolution No. 13, Series 2016: Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations with Corrected PTO Accrual Chart

Resolution No. 14, Series 2016: Adopting Model Municipal Record Retention Schedule.

Resolution No. 15, Series 2016:  Ratifying the City's Exercise of the Automatic Closing Extension Set Forth in Section 7.A. of That Certain Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Tabor Opera House

Resolution No. 16, Series 2016:  Amending the 2016 Budget and Approving a Supplemental Appropriation for the General Fund to Assist the City with Acquisition of the Tabor Opera House Property 

Resolution No. 17, Series 2016:  Removing the Financing Contingency Set Forth in Section 12 of That Certain Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Tabor Opera House

Resolution No. 18, Series 2016: Designation of Stage and Rail Trail in Leadville

Resolution No. 19, Series 2016: Supporting the Grant Application for a Local Parks and Outdoor Recreation Grant From the State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund and the Completion of Elm Street Park.

Resolution No. 20, Series 2016:  Memorializing the Acquisition of the Tabor Opera House  

Resolution No. 21, Series 2016:  Accepting the Resignation of Ward 1 Council Member Mike Canty

Resolution No. No. 22, Series 2016:  Accepting the Resignation of the City Clerk and CityTreasurer and Making an Appointment to Fill the Vacancy in Office of City Clerk Until the Next Regular City Election on November 7, 2017

Resolution No. 23, Series 2016:  Appointing Bethany Maher as the Deputy City Clerk and Establishing the Duties and Responsibilities of the Deputy City Clerk Position

Resolution No. 24, Series 2016:  Appointing a City Treasurer Until the Next Regular City Election on November 7, 2017

Resolution No. 25, Series 2016:  Certifying and Levying the Mill Levy of the City of Leadville for 2016 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2017 Budget Year, and Authorizing and Certifying a Temporary Mill Levy Rate Reduction to the Board of County Commissioners.

Resolution No. 26, Series 2016:  Accepting an Annexation Petition, Making Certain Findings of Fact, Finding Substantial Compliance for Such Petition, and Setting a Public Hearing for Property Known as the Railroad Property Annexation No. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Resolution No. 27, Series 2016:  Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations Specific to Holiday and Overtime Pay for Sworn Law Enforcement Employees

Resolution No. 28, Series 2016:  Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues for Each Fund of the City of Leadville, Colorado and Adopting a Budget for the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2017, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2017.

Resolution No. 29, Series 2016:  Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2017, and Ending the Last Day of December, 2017.

2015 City Council Resolutions

Resolution No.1, Series 2015:  Designating the Official Public Notice Location and the Official Newspaper of General Circulation 

Resolution No.2, Series 2015:  Adopting Fees for Processing Liquor License Applications 

Resolution No.3, Series 2015:  Approving An Intergovernmental Agreement by and Between the City of Leadville and Lake County for the Provision Fire Protection Services 

Resolution No.4, Series 2015: Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations 

Resolution No.5, Series 2015:  Adopting Fees for Retail and Medical Marijuana Establishment Applications and Licenses

Resolution No.6, Series 2015: Designating Authorized Signatories on the City's Bank Accounts and for the Safe Deposit Box

Resolution No.7, Series 2015: Ratifying the 2015 City of Leadville Comprehensive Plan, as Adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission 

Resolution No.8, Series 2015: Supporting Application to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs - Main Street Program -to Become A Candidate Community in the Main Street Program

Resolution No.9, Series 2015: Designating Authorized Signatories on the City's Bank Accounts and for the Safe Deposit Box

Resolution No.10, Series 2015:  Designating the City Election Official and Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Leadville and Lake County Clerk and Recorder for Participation in the 2015 Coordinated Election

Resolution No.11, Series 2015:  Appointing Roy McGinnis, the Finance Director of the City of Leadville, as the Person to Prepare the Budget of the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year 2016

Resolution No.12, Series 2015: Setting the Ballot Title for a Ballot Issue to Impose a New Excise Tax of 5% of the Average Market Rate as Determined by the Colorado Department of Revenue When Unprocessed Retail Marijuana Is First Sold or Transferred by a Marijuana Cultivation Facility Commencing January 1, 2018, with the Rate of Such Excise Tax Being Allowed to be Decreased or Increased Without Further Voter Approval So Long as the Rate of Such Tax Does Not Exceed 10%; and Directing That the Ballot Issue be Submitted at the Coordinated Election to be Held November 3, 2015

Resolution No.13, Series 2015: Approving a First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement by and Between the City of Leadville and the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County Fire Protection to the Incorporated and Unincorporated Areas of Lake County

Resolution No.14, Series 2015: Approving a Purchase Agreement Between Pierce Manufacturing Inc., the City of Leadville, and the County of Lake for Acquisition of a 2016 Pierce Pumper Fire Apparatus 

Resolution No.14 A, Series 2015: A Supplemental Budget Amendment of the General Fund for City Contribution and the Fire Operations Fund Toward Purchase of a Fire Engine and Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Expenses of Same

Resolution No.14 B, Series 2015: Approving a Purchase Agreement Between Pierce Manufacturing Inc., the City of Leadville, and the County of Lake for Acquisition of a 2016 Pierce Pumper Fire Apparatus 

Resolution No.15, Series 2015: Amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations Adopted March 3, 2015, to Reinstate Certain Termination Payments for Employees Who Had Completed Over Five Years of Service With the City as of March 3, 2015 

Resolution No.16, Series 2015: Adopting Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations Specific to a Paid Time off Policy 

Resolution No.17, Series 2015:  Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the City of Leadville and Sharon Furman Bland for the Purchase by the City of Leadville of the Tabor Opera House

Resolution No.18, Series 2015:  A Supplemental Budget for Unanticipated Revenues and Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Unanticipated Expenditures in Excess of Amounts Budgeted for the General Fund, Fire Operations, and Conservation Trust Fund 

Resolution No.19, Series 2015:  Adopting a Supplementary Budget for the City of Leadville, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning on the First Day of January 2015; and Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning on the First Day of January 2015 and Ending on the Last Day of December of 2015

Resolution No.20, Series 2015:  Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues for Each Fund of the City of Leadville, Colorado and Adopting a Budget for the City of Leadville for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January 2016, and Ending the Last Day of December 2016

Resolution No.21, Series 2015:  Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds and Spending Agencies, in the Amounts and for the Purposes as Set Forth Below, for the City of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of January 2016, and Ending the Last Day of December 2016

Resolution No.22, Series 2015:  Designating 2015 Year-End Fund Balances as "Reserve Increases"  

Resolution No.23, Series 2015:  Certifying and Levying the Mil Levy of the City of Leadville for 2015 to Defray the Costs of Government for the City of Leadville for the 2016 Budget Year, and Authorizing and Certifying A Temporary Mil Levy Rate Reduction to the Board of County Commissioners